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Beijing Atuo Hotel




北京市朝阳区 酒仙桥路,亚朵连锁酒店项目已完美收官,浮斐尼微水泥大面积应用于公区地面,餐桌涂装,卡座表面,以及洗手间墙面和楼梯间地面。


Adour chain Hotel project has been successfully completed, Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing,  a large area of FUFINI microcement has been applied to the public area floor, dining table coating, booth surface, as well as the bathroom wall and stairwell floor.





The integrated design of the restaurant,  makes people's eyes shine, the overall color and texture extend to the  wall, the top surface, the floor, the bar, the table, the booth。
Micro-cement with its pure and natural look and feel, atmospheric calm meaning, Eastern Zen mood and Western    minimalist concept,

The integrated effect has become the material of choice for more and more high-end decoration projects.





Applied in the bar table of the FUFINI microcement, waterproof and anti-oil performance through the actual case verification!





The hotel's old staircase floor, antique marble, had been partially restored and repainted with light gray microcement,
Give the whole space a new look with the excellent adhesion of FUFINI microcement on the smooth marble surface!




浮斐尼FUFEINI ART ciment地面抗裂工艺体系-品质媲美德国PANDOMO的自主品牌。

FUFEINI ART ciment ground cracking process system - quality comparable to German PANDOMO's own brand.
The artistic cement applied to the ground has excellent wear and hardness and crack resistance.




Thank you for the trust of the owners and designers of Shanghai Yatuo Chain Hotel Group!








2020年9月1日 10:07
